
Android studio update image on button press
Android studio update image on button press

When we click the image (image button) of a web page, Click and Command Events raised.

  • GenerateEmptyAlternateText: It will generate an empty string as an alternative text when it is empty.
  • It is used to specify that the control which is on the server-side.
  • OnClientClick: It will write java will execute the name of the function when the image is clicked.
  • PostBackUrl: When we click the image button, it will redirect the other page.
  • AlternateText: If the image is not be displayed on the web page, AlternateText will be displayed.
  • ImageUrl: With the help of the image URL, we can set the image path for the image on the image button control.
  • ID: It is a unique ID for identification purposes.
  • Imagebutton in ASP.Net has certain important properties listed below: Now if we click anywhere on the image, it will be redirected to the educba website. In our case, it will open the Therefore, when we run this Script we will be getting the output as below with the image in it: PostbackUrl is used to set the link after we click on the image button. Runat is used to set the server-side control that’s why it is set to “Server”. In our code it is aligned to Left that’s why our image will be on the left side of the web page. Imagealign is used in code to make alignment of the image provided by us. It will show the educba.png image on the ImageButton. We have provided the image path in “ImageUrl”. Output for the above script will give us the image, which is clickable. See the below code is for displaying the image button. Now we all know how to create an image button control via the above steps. Let us make it more clearly with the help of an example. Step 10: After that, we need to write code on ImageButton. We have provided URL so that we can use it in our below-given example. Step 9: Set the PostBackUrl property so that it should be redirected to the destination web page. We can see the yellow highlighted part in the below snippet contains the height and width. Step 8: Provide height and width for the image from the properties. Step 7: To provide the properties press f4 or click on the property window and provide its properties. In this folder place the image which we want to set as an ImageButton. So create one folder inside the project and give its name as an image.

    android studio update image on button press

    Step 6: Properties need to be given for the ImageButton.

    android studio update image on button press

    Step 5: Now select the image, which we want to display on the ImageButton control in asp.net. Try to provide the related URL which will make it easier. ImageUrl is used to provide the URL so that it can display. Step 4: After drag and drop of ImageButton control, we need to set the ImageUrl property of the ImageButton. Step 3: Now from the toolbox, we need to drag the ImageButton control and drop it on the web page. Step 2: Create a new web page for the image button display.

    Android studio update image on button press